Tom & Marigene's household

A presentation and selection which was much appreciated by Sharon and I

As the hour approached, Tom invited me to go and help him lower the Canadian Flag which he was flying in honor of our arrival (as a note, he also flies it on special Canadian days-such as 1 July , which is Canada Day or when Canada won the Olympic Hockey medals)

This picture shows the quiet neighborhood that they live in.

On the way down, some of the sensors on my car (for adaptive cruise control) were blocked by the dirt, slush and snowy remains.

Listening to my stories were Marigene and Sean (who was googling my accuracy).

Sharon on the other hand could not beleive I was saying all this without a smile...."it's true, it was THIS BIG"

Now here I was checking Sean's comments...of course, I was using google.

Sharon said the Snow was this high...I said, are you wasn't this high?

Matthew, Marigene, Sharon and Tom. Sean was taking the photo

The lowering of the Canadian flag

Needless to say it was a cold a heat source was welcome

Tom taking the picture of us with his family. Sean on the far left and Matthew on the far right.

Packing a few extra things under the supervision on Sean

Time to leave


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